Tuesday, 24 May 2022

YouTube WeMedia channel bigger than press? Mhairi Black

I'll check but I doubt the UK national press reported on this speech by an SNP backbencher who represents a working class constituency in Scotland and speaks with a broad working class Scottish accent. She warned that the government was sliding into fascism.

Check the view count on the video, and consider that there will be other shares on different accounts and social media, including shorter clips and infographics.

Embed video later... https://youtu.be/nVZ3QwA5wy8

Sunday, 22 May 2022

MUSIC INDUSTRY photo archives now make 3D clips

 Another analogue format converges with the digital era …


Murdoch News Corp fails to shape Australia election

 New media finally replacing his old media power?? His press and TV holdings utterly dominate the Australian public sphere so the defeat of the ultra right-wing climate sceptic conservatives to eco independents, Greens and Labor (US spelling there) suggest influence now comes from other directions.



Guardian on day BBC hits 100.